Many teens and adults find they want to use their hands and make something they can use. But, if they didn't grow up around tools and electronics, it can be hard to know where to start.
This kit enables them to make a compact wooden bluetooth speaker with quality electronic components.
We provide a step-by-step video tutorial you can find here. This kit is about giving someone an experience which results in confidence and success. It may also be for those who know what to do but don't want to do the time consuming job of sourcing the best components - we've done that.
This is not a toy, so you can expect good sound and a long life from this speaker. It is best for ages 13 to adult.

The DIY Bluetooth Speaker Kit comes with:
- Wooden eco-ply lasercut pieces to make the box for the speaker including a wooden 3xAA battery box. This will make a compact custom-tuned wooden box W6.5cm x H20cm x D8cm.
- 2 Speaker Drivers 4 ohm, 10 watts with pre-soldered wires and plugs.
- Bluetooth amp.
- Silicone USB charging cable.
- Screws, Wires, Springs, Rubberbands.
- Switch.
- Price: $149 inc GST.
- School/bulk price: Please ask for a quote.
You will need:
- 3xAA rechargeable batteries
- Phillips screwdriver
- PVA glue

“Once they had completed the speaker successfully, they had a sparkle in their eyes and said: “Sir, can we take it home we want to show it to our mum?” They further commented: “It really sounds good; the bass is excellent for such a small speaker!
The two proud brothers (age 13 and 14 years) left with the Bluetooth Speaker carefully wrapped in their school bag. Success!”
(Huntly College Highschool DVC Teacher, Feb 2020)
“My dad bought it for me at the Ponsonby (General Collective Market) at Christmass and gave it to me (12 years old). Me and my sister (14 years old) spent a 2 Sundays putting it together and painting it. It was very exciting when I got my phone out to connect and it actually worked! It was so much fun and dad said if you have other things like this, he would like to buy them for us to try. I’m going to do more decorations after the paint drys!”
(Elaine, Age 12, April 2020)